I am a very happy user of Think TQ!
I know this is in response to an incredibly old post, but for what it's worth, I've been using the Think TQ system for about 5 months now, and even though I've read quite a few self-improvement books, and at least one book on Time Management, I found that to break the bad habits of procrastination, poor organization, lack of concise goals, etc., I need a good dose of reality (see what my intentional mediocrity was costing me), and regular reminders to help me stay on track.
Each workshop (there are 10 in all) covers a different, yet related area (like energy, attitude, mission, goals, synergy, action, etc.) for 30 days at a time. The questions you are asked every day are very hard hitting, make you think, don't leave you much wriggle room if you're serious about reaching your full potential.
I would highly recommend you at least requesting one of their free workshops. But don't just listen to it once and put on the shelf. Put it to work, you'll be glad you did!