Anyone used The Secret Weapon (evernote method)?


Hi all,

I'm wondering if anyone has tried out the method outlined at - using Evernote for GTD deployment?

I'm just exploring at the moment, it looks like a pretty interesting structure. If you have used it, what has been your experience - perfect as is, lots of gaps, needs refinement, etc?




NB - one thing that I've already noticed seems to be absent is ticker-oriented structure. Those who use Evernote in any form, how to you manage this? NB - I've used GTD for a while now, but have only played with Evernote a little...



I haven't used it. I use evernote as my digital capture tool, but not for list managing. I once tryed to use evernote as list manager, but found it somehow cumbersome. (I used it poorly)

Currently I'm using Omnifocus with Os X and iPhone. My MO is manage with desktop and view with mobile. Theoretically evernote would be excellent for that kind of work, but unfortunately it didn't work for me.

Probably a bit misleading note about Secret weapon. Direct quote from site: "The GTD mantra. Four words: Collect, Process, Execute, Review." I just have to ask what happened to organize?

There are some nice ideas there, like daily actions ("You may ask, What is the !Daily tag for? This is reserved for those items you are working to habituate into your life. It really could be called “Make this a habit!”"), but still after quick exploration about site, I was not impressed. I'm left with a vague sense someone is trying to exploit GTD.


mattsykes;97093 said:
Hi all,

I'm wondering if anyone has tried out the method outlined at - using Evernote for GTD deployment?

I'm just exploring at the moment, it looks like a pretty interesting structure. If you have used it, what has been your experience - perfect as is, lots of gaps, needs refinement, etc?

I've thought about it, but I have lots of reference material in there, and it's really better not to mix (for me, at least). Also, there are so many full-featured alternatives available on macs that there's no need for me to use a reference tool for action lists.


mattsykes;97094 said:
NB - one thing that I've already noticed seems to be absent is ticker-oriented structure. Those who use Evernote in any form, how to you manage this? NB - I've used GTD for a while now, but have only played with Evernote a little...


I use as my primary tickler system with Evernote as my reference files and lists area. I do not use The Secret Weapon although I have watched all their videos and considered changing some of my tags to their tags.

As a side note I like using tags that begin with @ for contexts and I put a period in front of project tags. This way I can search for all contexts or projects or just one. I like the number action tags and had consider using them, but I realized that GTD really just uses two action tags (next and someday/maybe). I've added today, but I'm not sure that's really needed.


There's a reason it's secret

Yes, I did try to set up my Evernote account to work the Secret Weapon. It did not work for me... As I was creating the numerous tags and figuring out how to manipulate the date so you can add some sort of reminder-functionality, I suddenly realised:

It takes ages, and feels like a workaround rather than a properly designed system. It is really cleaver and if you have the time it may work for you. For me, I think that if you're going to use a virtual system, then there are plenty of options which will automatically do what you have to manually do in Evernote.

Evernote is superb, but the Secret Weapon implementation just took me too far into the mechanics of the system and away from organising my life! Hope this helps...


Enthused but...

It certainly has the right intention. But there is a bit to do to set it up correctly. It makes me think there is a simpler way. What we are all looking for, I guess, is that one system that is close enough to perfect that we can trust and get everything out if our heads. The videos are well made though and I do like their intention. I particularly like the way that as you select tags the right tasks come up. It made me start Googling "tags for outlook".

I'm still looking through all the reviews that Tom is working through. and I think I will always regret buying an android phone simply due to the fact that I can no longer use omnifocus. I do like the android phone (new Sony Xperia S), its just that it can't do OF.

Aaaand I think I've gone of track ... :)


evernote is a great tool, but lack a vital feature

I have been using evernote for several years, mainly as my digital storage of reference information, beeing a scientist I have a large archive of pdf files stored in evernote.

regardless of which program or system you use for GTD there will always be a large number of tasks that need to be done on a certain date or time and you need a physical reminder (a beeb, an email, or popup) to remind you of it.

So far evernote does not include any calendar function to do this, untill it gets that evernote will be a great for storage (probably the best), but useless as the only GTD tool.

AE Thanh

I totally agree with Haga2000. Evernote is not really suitable to do GTD full-on, other apps are better suited (such as Omnifocus).

Evernote does excel as a reference system. It can complement any GTD app you use.



mattsykes;97094 said:
NB - one thing that I've already noticed seems to be absent is ticker-oriented structure. Those who use Evernote in any form, how to you manage this? NB - I've used GTD for a while now, but have only played with Evernote a little...


You can make a tickler system by changing the creation date on the task to the future and sort by creation date. The task will automaticly resurface on the top of your list.


Tickler and Calendar Integration with Evernote

I use Evernote as my list manager and one of my electronic reference tools.

For ticklers, I use tags. I have a Tag called "Tickler" and then underneath that I have sub-tags "Days", "Months" and "Years". Under years I have 2013, 2014, 2014. Under Months I have 01-January, 02-February, etc. and then under Days I have 01, 02, 03, ...

I use a single note for each next action, and if it's a tickler, I add the relative day, month and year tags.

When it get to a particular day, or week, I can then select the relevant tags to see what's tickled for that day, or for the upcoming week.

I do also, add the date in between two hashtags (e.g. ##30 November 2012##) and I use TuskTools which automatically displays this tickler on my google calendar on that day. I can also put it at a particular time of day if that made sense.

Works perfectly for me.