Anyone using Android 5.0 Lollipop?

Part of the issue is that there are a LOT of Android devices that can't run lollipop so they can't upgrade. From a developer standpoint there are some issues with the new rev as well. I haven't had any chance to really test everything under it so I won't upgrade any of my devices that are running LambTracker.
I'd agree that it's more of a 'link-bait' article. Lollipop has only been released for a short time. New hardware is coming out with it and it takes a while for the firmware for existing android phones to be updated (& as Oogie points out, not all will be able to update). From what I understand it's more a change to the Look & Feel ('Material Design' they call it), speed improvements (change to the underlying code engine) and other efficiencies. I am looking forward to it, but I don't see it changing my GTD practice.

Very helpful -- thanks for the responses. We're considering a setup guide for Android. Seems like a guide based on KitKat would be useful for awhile, since it could be at lest a few months before the user base for Lollipop gets substantially larger.
One system just upgraded, 2 minutes in there are LOTS of look/feel differences. May have more data tomorrow.