Basic GTD




I posted a while ago and the problem is the same.
I want to use the basics of GTD on a closed network. I am not able to install software but i am able to implement and use macro's. I bought the paper but it is not enough....
So i want to make or use some macro's in VBA to support the basics/priciples of GTD.
a. Are there people with the same limitations on their network but want to use macro's?
b. Are there perhaps people who already use macro's and are willing to share them?
c. Are there people who want to start making them?



There are a number of forum members that use macro's and have discussed them. I would start by searching the forum and seeing what they have done.

Given your 'closed' system you will most likely have to retype any existing macro(s) ... a situation that I do not envy. It's time consuming plus likely to lead to errors ... time that may be better spent on the job?



Nice answer.
I can import the macro from a USB stick or something after i made it at home....reading is allowed, writing is not on our system

Thanks for the reply though.



You have me confused. You say the the company runs a closed system but you can:

"import the macro from a USB stick or something after i made it at home....reading is allowed, writing is not on our system"

To me this appears to say that you companies system is not closed.

If it's closed I would be surprised to see them allowing you to plug and play with a USB drive ... more viruses etc get placed onto company computers by insiders than ever come through firewalls. If they do allow USB drives and you can read but not write ... you still have a problem; how do you get the macro into Outlook? I'm a Apple user so I'm not up on all the issues facing Wintel machines etc.

In any event good luck and you may wish to talk to your IT before and during your project ... should reduce the time it takes to implement.


HoD said:
Nice answer.
I can import the macro from a USB stick or something after i made it at home....reading is allowed, writing is not on our system

Unless I'm missing the point, why not try GTD on a wiki that's portable on a thumb drive. Something like TiddlyWiki , perhaps?