Basic info wanted re:Outlook

Jamie Elis

I have a basic implementation of GTD using Palm Handlheld and Desktop programs. I mean very basic, since I am a low-tech person and isolated from people using technology in my job and homelife.
I am starting to think that it would be advantagous to add the use of Outlook to my implementation since I have gleaned from these forums that some people like to implement GTD using Outlook because it enables them to easily move information that has come in e-mails to and from a calendar and a data base of names and addresses, and to associate n/a with project list and definitions, and to link any of these with Microsoft Word documents and to outgoing e-mails. Is this a correct perception?

If these are, in fact, advantages, are their some simple things that I can do to make both my plain vanilla Palm Handheld and Palm Desktop programs sync with Outlook?

If there are, what are some of these simple things or can you point me towards a way to find them out on my own. I have looked at the Outlook program that came with on my desktop computer ('97) but I fail to find any first step for getting started in it. I have explored links from this forum to Outlook tips and discussions but they are way, way ahead of my level.

Thank you in advance.


Outlook or Outlook Express?

Jamie Elis said:
I have looked at the Outlook program that came with on my desktop computer ('97) but I fail to find any first step for getting started in it. I have explored links from this forum to Outlook tips and discussions but they are way, way ahead of my level.
Is it really Outlook (Microsoft Office Personal Information Management (PIM) application) or Outlook Express (basic e-mail program bundled with Microsoft Windows)?

All discussions about GTD implementations using Outlook are about Microsoft Office PIM application - not about Outlook Express.

Jamie Elis

Thank you

Not just for this reply, but your other contributions as well and sense of of humour. Outlook should be the subject of my query.


Jamie Elis said:
I have a basic implementation of GTD using Palm Handlheld and Desktop programs. I mean very basic, since I am a low-tech person and isolated from people using technology in my job and homelife.
I am starting to think that it would be advantagous to add the use of Outlook to my implementation since I have gleaned from these forums that some people like to implement GTD using Outlook because it enables them to easily move information that has come in e-mails to and from a calendar and a data base of names and addresses, and to associate n/a with project list and definitions, and to link any of these with Microsoft Word documents and to outgoing e-mails. Is this a correct perception?

If these are, in fact, advantages, are their some simple things that I can do to make both my plain vanilla Palm Handheld and Palm Desktop programs sync with Outlook?

If there are, what are some of these simple things or can you point me towards a way to find them out on my own. I have looked at the Outlook program that came with on my desktop computer ('97) but I fail to find any first step for getting started in it. I have explored links from this forum to Outlook tips and discussions but they are way, way ahead of my level.

If you have a vintage 1997 desktop computer, I would guess that you are probably not running the latest version of Outlook. I would stay with what you have if it is working for you. Palm desktop is very functional. It is true that with recent versions of Outlook you can drag and drop an email message onto the calendar or task list to create items appropriately. It is a convenience, but nothing more. Linking projects and next actions is possible in Outlook. There are many ways of doing this, but they all have positive and negative aspects. It has proven surprisingly difficult to carry this linkage from one computer over to the palm, and/or to other computers. Linking files has similar issues. Unless you have a definite need to link, and are willing to delve into the technical issues, I would stay away from linking for now. Perhaps you should put it on a someday/maybe list as a look-into item for the next time you upgrade your technology.

Jamie Elis

I said something misleading-

Thank you for the caution. At the time of initial post, in my ignorance, I did not know that Outlook and Outlook Express were different. I meant to say that I have Outlook Express '97 that came with the desk top computer bundle. However,the computer is only 5 years old. Having learned that the two Outlook programs are different, I am seeing that I need to look at the Outlook information. At this point infomation I am turning up is making more sense, but I am wondering about the practical aspects of syncing Outlook with Palm. Has this worked in a straightforward manner for GTD implentation, or are there too many limiting factors? Is it sufficiently simple for those who are only partially computer literate? As I have searcher for information I have found references to Pocket Mirror and to Palm conduits, which suggest to me that there is some necessary translation between the Palm and Windows(?) programs. I really need to link and be able to search and find the actions that I have completed and have yet to do on certain projects. I know that GTD asks one to refrain from spelling out all spets but I need to spell out some of them or I end up re-doing. One of the biggest "time consumers" as I process is that upon encountering a "piece of stuff" not being able to remember if I have already completed or even noted the action to which it is related. I can readily identify the project because I have them tagged by area of focus and responsbility and within that they are also ordered a to z in Palm memo. For example, I found a copy of a relative's death certificate (stuff), that realtes to a project I have defined. I could not easily determine if it was the additional copy I requested or the one I set it out to take with me to get another (I could not remember if I decided to go in person or to request it by mail), or one I failed to attach to a letter that I had already sent to an office or if I had set it out to write the letter to that office. I would like to easily locate my project and be able to see what the next actions are without looking at each context, especailly for projects that do not have to be done sequentially.

Jamie Elis

so what is the next action?

Having clarified a few things, I gather that if I want to implement GTD using Outlook, some of the things I need to do are are: buy and read David's White paper, load Pocketmirror from the original cd that came with my Zire 71 or buy the lastest version from Chapura and make sure that it functions, down load the trial version of Outlook or purchase and download the full version from Microsoft, and then the GTD add-in. So, from these can someone suggest the next action or is it something else altogether? Or, is it being suggested that syncing will be so fraught with problems that someone like me just shouldn't mess with a program with has four different sources, two operating systems and two machines?


Back up your data

The very next action, before doing any of that, is to back up your palm data. Back it up on your palm, and back it up on your computer.

I believe that using both the GTD add-in and the white paper would be overkill. I think most people use one or the other. And if you go with the add-in, I think it comes with documentation that includes everything that the white paper has. (someone correct me if I'm wrong on that)