I have just taken delivery of four AA batteries which are charged via a USB port. The top (+ end) pops off and there is a USB plug underneath which you plug into a USB port or hub. I am charging them now using a non-powered hub.
These will be great when I am travelling as I usually charge batteries for various bits and pieces before I go and then run out of juice during the week away.
I could travel with a battery charger but since I had to pay £30 excess luggage each way the last time I went to Dublin I am trying to slim down the packing list ;-)
They are called USB cell if anyone is interested (I have no affiliation with the company that makes them)
These will be great when I am travelling as I usually charge batteries for various bits and pieces before I go and then run out of juice during the week away.
I could travel with a battery charger but since I had to pay £30 excess luggage each way the last time I went to Dublin I am trying to slim down the packing list ;-)
They are called USB cell if anyone is interested (I have no affiliation with the company that makes them)