I guess I wasn't clear.
I wasn't at all dissing the seminar or the CDs. In fact, I said that since I'd only read the book, I couldn't comment on the seminar or CDs. I'd LOVE to go to one of DA's seminars, based on Fallow's article, reading the book, and on the rave reviews here.
I'd also like to listen to the CDs, again based on reviews here.
I mentioned that I'm comfortable getting information from books precisely because I know people have different preferences. For something fairly technical like the details of GTD, I need to have the book in my hands and be able to flip around a good deal to reread and find what I need. Others might prefer audio, and most people would probably benefit from both.
As grad student for whom money is also an issue, I was responding mainly to that. I found the book to be adequate, and a filing cabinet to be essential (though I didn't fully appreciate how essential until after I got one.) If, due to money, someone had to choose between the book and the CDs OR the book and a good filing cabinet, I'd recommend the latter. If the poster can manage to afford the seminar, that's terriffic, but he'd better budget for the physical organizational tools as well!
That's just the opinion one impecunious grad student. Fortunately, there are plenty of others to weigh in.