

Sorry if this has been a thread in the past.

How do GTDers process and record daily/weekly/monthly/yearly chores? I'm thinking of mundane things like clean the fridge etc.

I guess they are recurring activities so could be on a checklist?
I think it depends on what you need. For instance, do you need a trigger to vacuum the living room or clean the fridge? Or does just seeing those things remind you it's time?

I can see kids needing daily and weekly checklists. And adults may need seasonal and yearly checklists.

But what do you need to get it off your mind? If it's a checklist, great. If it's blocked time on your calendar with the chores listed in the notes, great. If you trust yourself to do it without either of those (similar to remembering to brush your teeth), great.

What do you need to have peace of mind?
Brilliant answer that has helped me so much. I need to be thinking, "what do I need to get it off my mind" a lot more in my gtd practice in general rather than trying to stick to the gtd 'rules'. Thanks!
Because I want to clean the frig Thursday night before the trash goes out, it appears on my @home automagically every Thursday.
How do GTDers process and record daily/weekly/monthly/yearly chores? I'm thinking of mundane things like clean the fridge etc.
About half of my projects are really this sort of recurring task. I have tried checklists but for me I prefer to have all the steps in the checklist in my GTD list tool, Omnifocus, and then set the projects to repeat on the schedule I need them too.

I separate my recurring projects into groups based on how often they repeat. I put those projects into a folder in Omnifocus. I do a major reset on my system once a quarter on the solstices and equinoxes and many farm things are seasonal so I have separated a lot of the recurring tasks into groups based on the season in which they have to start.

Recurring Projects Weekly: These are things I have to do once a week. Once the items on a given recurring project are a habit I just make it inactive but I still keep the steps detailed here. The reason is that if something happens to me someone else can take over just by reading my Omnifocus projects and following the steps.

Recurring Projects Monthly: Things that happen every month.
Quarterly folders for projects that happen once a year but need to start in a particular season or month.
Recurring Projects Jan-Mar
Recurring Projects Apr-Jun
Recurring Projects Jul-Sep
Recurring Projects Oct-Dec

I also have a set of Checklists that are detailed projects that I use on an irregular basis. These are in a folder Checklists.