Foxman;68457 said:I would really like to see one example of a life of death situation on a next actions list!
From things that got added to mine yesterday:
Check triplet mom for fly strike twice a day, treat as necessary - This is a critical thing. Fly strike can kill a sheep within a day so I have to keep on top of it.
Catch scouring ewe lamb and treat for worms - I tried yesterday and she escaped. I have to get her today even if it means I have to run the entire flock into the sweep. She could die within another 24 hours if left untreated. But yesterday the stress as I tried to catch her would have been worse as it was hot. So I'll catch her this am in the cool.
Catch Bunny & treat for bots - longer term problem, bots won't kill the sheep for a few days or weeks but still critical to treat
Fix waterer in butcher chicken pen - left pans of water out last night, need to fix the waterer or the chickens will die.
Things that came up as due starting today:
Puppy shots second set
larvacide ponds to reduce West Nile mosquito population
I get a fair number of projects that are like that.
I also have checklists whose actions take less than 2 minutes but that I still read and check off. My sheep lambing triage lists for one. The general ADR (ain't doing right) animal lists of things to check to determine what my real next action is when an animal is sick are like that. Each action may only take a few seconds to do but I have to go through all of them.