David Allen vs. FranklinCovey



It's a great post... and blog


As I commented on your blog, thanks for this post. Folks, if you haven't checked out Michael's blog yet - please do. He's got some great insights on productivity and tips and techniques you may be able to use.


I commented as well on your blog. Nice blog! As I mentioned over there, my understanding is that items that you would or should do today should be listed as All Day events in your calendar. I do like the idea of creating a Quick List of things you'd like to accomplish so you don't have to scan the myriad of tasks each time. So I suggested that the category name be !ASAP or !Soon instead of !Today. What do you think?


Excellent blog! I think you hit the situation exactly with the idea that things are not necessarily either/or. If a combination of systems works best for you, then you should do it! Personal effectiveness is the goal we're all striving for.


I'd bet on DA.
That Covey dude is kinda old and I think at this point DA likely has a faster jab, though Covey had that "I'm a bad dude" bald guy intimidation thing so you never know.

Oh wait, you meant time management philosophies.........
Never mind.

Mike Ferguson

I read your blog right after I had just finished perusing my task lists for "easy pickins." I was never too interested in productivity and deep organization, but I was attracted to systems and paradigms, which is why GTD caught my attention. But one thing I did do was heavy prioritization of my to-do lists. Not only did I use letters and numbers (A1, B1, C2, etc), I colored them red, yellow and green as yet one more level of prioritization. So, my need to be told what to work on (even when it is me telling me via prioritization) has been difficult to let go of and/or incorporate into GTD. I cannot resist giving due dates to every project, even if the due dates I assign are not intrinsic to the project, just so they’ll line up in some order for my eyeballs.

I think your idea will help, if I can keep from numbering and coloring them once I tag them for placement on “!Today.”

Michael Hyatt

Thanks for the Input


I also put things on the calendar as all day events that absolutely, positively must be done. I use the !Today category for those actions that I plan to do, but are not necessarily must-dos.

