David's Doing Webinar this Thursday


Kelly | GTD expert
For those of you attending David's "Doing" Webinar this Thursday, I recommend downloading this handout on the 3 models ahead of time.

You can register for the upcoming Webinars through the links on the home page of Connect.

Attached files


Wish I could Attend

One of these days I'll be able to attend one or more of these things. Sadly instead of winter being less busy it's becoming more!

I'll be "doing" a rather detailed time specific sheep action at that time.

I'm hoping to get a chance to watch it later.


Kelly | GTD expert
Feedback from the Webinar with David yesterday...

We love getting emails like this! Webinar replay can be found here.

David & Kelly,

Thank you for today’s webinar. Although I consider myself to be pretty close to GTD black belt status, I still get a lot of value from these webinars. In particular it is the insights and asides that add value for me. Examples from today include Robert Peake’s @Brain Dead, David’s @Creative Writing, a reminder that horizons can be applied to the person/project/organization/company, the reminder to *visualize* success, the point that the horizons are “conversations” (with myself/partner/project team/organization/company), and the concept of “operationalization” – using the lower levels to manifest the higher levels (which might be a good topic for another webinar).

I took 5 pages of notes, including personal thoughts which popped into my head during the seminar, such as to mind map “energy”, as I’ve recently noted that there are different kinds of energy. Two examples: feeling relaxed and in control, vs. feeling over caffeinated and in the midst of the whirlwind. These notes, of course, go into my Inbox so that I can process them into my system.

Again, thank you. These webinars are one of the significant values of my GTD Connect membership.
