Delegate: tips and tricks to share


I manage a few people, certainly not as many as you guys! They each have different ways of organising themselves. One thing I've been taught by coaches on a couple of occasions is the delegation principle of "Expect and Inspect". This fits well with GTD for me.

Effective delegation is about building a relationship with your employees soch that they understand your expectations when you delegate and you both understand from the outset how you will inspect their progress (they should negotiate this with you so that they don't feel micromanaged yet you don't feel in the dark)

GTD encourages planning and brainstorming and you should definately plan your delegations to be effective. I find that planning delegation is outside of my comfort zone, so I try hard to improve it. I even schedule it into my calendar. I encourage my team to feed back to me when my delegation is poor. The other day one of my guys came back to me 24 hours later saying (roughly) "I've been thinking about this, will you please delegate this to me more effectively, I need to know more clearly what you want". I was very pleased about that. I'm glad we can have that level of conversation!

Googling this method I found this link which I found interesting, I'm sure that 10 minutes more with google would provide some more gems:

Thanks for other contributions to this thread - useful to read! :)