Deleting Categories On Windows Mobile Smartphones

Does anybody know how to delete categories from a smartphone using Windows Mobile?

I've been trying various productivity programs such as Extreme Agenda, Pocket Informant, etc and I cannot seem to delete any unused categories from my Motorola Q.

Any suggestions?

U cant delete the default categories

For some weird reason....Wm5 or wm6 doesnt allow you to delete the default categories "Business", "Personal", "Holidays" etc.

Like you, I tried all these programs as well. But then I settled on SBP Diary. I have been using it for over a year now & it syncs perfectly with both MS outlook (Desktop Version) & pocket outlook. Furthermore, it allows u to apply several filters (and using them u can get rid of these default categories). Its Today Plugin is also GREAT & allows me to see my calender & tasks right from the Today Screen.

Have a try:

and email me if you have any trouble.

Ateeb Iftikhar