Desktop Search software



Dear Coz:

Having downloaded and tried it...

Copernic does index an external drive.

It also just indexes the cache of your webpages. If you empty your cache, then all you have left is links. But if your cache still has the webpage, then you can view it.

Also, it takes a while to index all your files, and the index can take up quite a bit of hard drive space.

Please, in the future, download and try the software first, and then you can answer your own questions.



Given the helpful responses to Cosmo :wink: I thought I would add my current take on Desktop Search software. Given the GTD focus of my desktop files, emails, tasks, etc., the ability to search tasks and appointments is the #1 priority for me. So that pretty much eliminates everything except MSN Desktop Search and Lookout (which is more Outlook + My Docs instead of Desktop).

But I have issues with MSN Desktop Search keeping Outlook PST files locked after shutting outlook down, so I cannot easily perform my regular backups.

That said, I am sticking with Lookout for now, as it plays well with my PSTs, indexes my documents folder, and is not in beta.

As soon as the others (Copernic, Google, Yahoo) incorporate appt and task searching, that's when the decision really becomes difficult for me.

How about you?



Lookout continues to rule

bdavidson said:
That said, I am sticking with Lookout for now, as it plays well with my PSTs, indexes my documents folder, and is not in beta.

I'm with you! Nothing works better than Lookout in Outlook and I've tested (and reviewed on my blog) all of the search tools mentioned here plus the commercial x1 offering. The MSN Toolbar Suite is very promising but they have two bugs that need to be fixed before I can use it - the one you mention and an unfortunate tendency for the Indexer to "unexpectedly" close IMAP e-mail accounts which necessitates exiting and restarting Outlook.

Lookout has the lightest hit on system performance and, as most of my searches are for e-mail messages or tasks, it suits my needs pretty well.



Hmmm, i don't use Lookout.

If Lookout indexes everything in Outlook, then couldn't it be used as a Project cross-referencer by using the project as a Keyword?
That sounds useful.

I just sent an email to Copernic asking about why they only index emails and contacts, and not the other Outlook objects, and also if they plan on adding that function.

Also, does Lookout index everything else, like mp3's, pics, etc, or should i stick with Copernic for the computer, and Lookout for Outlook?

Any ideas?

Also, does Lookout take up a lot of hard drive space?



Lookout is best at Outlook


While Lookout can index your file system, that's not its strength. I use a separate tool (x1 in my case) to index my local drive for doing file system searches but stick with Lookout for searching within Outlook. At first, I really resisted the idea of using two separate programs but I've found it's really the best solution.

You could easily use Copernic in a similar fashion. Just tell it not to index your e-mail.

Lookout's indexes are pretty typical in size. My index is approximately 68 MB for an Outlook store that is about 305 MB in size.



An index that is 1/5 the size of the original content? That's huge...


Re: Huge...

fncll said:
An index that is 1/5 the size of the original content? That's huge...
Compared to what? It's quite typical of the index size any of these products generates that actually index content, as opposed to just filenames and extensions. From my perspective, investing 70 MB of my not-even-half-full 60 GB hard drive is a cheap investment if it means I can find any of the more 24,000 messages in my current mail store in seconds.


Hi mochant, thx for the info.
I had turned the email indexing off anyway in Copernic.
I am going to get Lookout, and use those two systems for now.

Hopefully Copernic will add the Outlook stuff, but perhaps they never will.

As far as the disk usage, that is true it is a typical size.
I tested my Copernic system, and it indexes all sorts of obscure words deep inside of large documents, and even inside ebooks, etc.
Its really fascinating and will take a while to get used to the fact that i can do a deep keyword search in huge ebooks, large docs, etc.
Very interesting.

Any other links or comments about this from people would be welcome.

As far as Lookout, do people use it exclusively instead of any of the normal Outlook searches like "Activities" in contacts, etc?



Desktop Search software

Google's Desktop search is decent (and FREE is the right price). I recent purchased Enfish Find and I like that too.


Some of the problems with Google Desktop for me are that is doesn't index external drives, and it also indexes encrypted pages, and i don't want that.

Does Google index all of the objects in Outlook, or just email?



Yahoo! Desktop Search Beta Available

Also add to the list the new Yahoo! Desktop Search which is now available as a free Beta. My understanding it is a "light" version of X1. I have just started using it and prefer it over my previous use of the Google Desktop Search. The Google search was not very flexible, with few configuration options, and did not offer the preview feature available in Yahoo! Desktop Search. Give it a try here:


Huge compared to...

Copernic and Dtsearch, both of which do full-text indexing and seem to be somewhere between 1/7 and 1/10. 1/5 is huge if you consider the optimization and compression typical of these tools... in my experience anyway.


It might be worth it to take a look at Enfish Find.

It is not free ($40) but I have been using Enfish find successfully for a long time.


Blinkx - indexes Outlook, web, network/USB drives.

It takes a while to build the index without taking a performance hit on your laptop/desktop, but it's a great tool -


For some reason I have been having problems with Google search and the GTD Plug-in. The Google search locks up 100% cpu with plug-in enabled.

Wihtout plug-in it is fine. Anyone else experience similar issues?

Also in the new version of Google Search you can disable the ability to search https (Encrypted via SSL) pages.