I think in (the research part of) Academia “time and mental room to think” are the most important things. I recall asking several of our professors when they did research. Their answer was either “evenings”, “weekends”, “holidays”, or “not anymore, but through my PhD students”. The weeks are so busy and hectic that they need to use recovery time to work… and I would agree it’s even worse for young faculty. They have a lot to prove still and have the feeling they cannot say no.
Good of you to explain that to them early Longstreet. If they don’t guard their time, others will eat it up.
I’m wondering though about that part where you say you don’t have to allocate your time so carefully anymore. Is this because of seniority alone? Of did your areas of focus and responsibility change over time and thereby the kind of work you do? I see full professors at my University that are busier than their junior staff. Of course these professors don’t practice GTD. Shame on them.
To some extend, I think this is also similar for any type of job where the more senior you get, the less it’s about the grind and more anout vision, like a management job where it’s suddenly less about the work and more about the vision and the people.
Ok, finished my morning coffee, back to fire fighting the day to day