Doing a year-end review


Kelly | GTD expert
I just posted a new podcast with David on what he does to get closure on last year and prep for the new year. Quick 9 min podcast.

I like to do a casual process that simply asks, "What do I want more of this coming year?" and "What do I want less of?"

Do you have anything you like to do as an annual review or process?


2-day "Staff" Retreat

My spouse and I do what we call our annual staff retreat. Yes, we're nerds that way!

It involves a mix of practical and visioning.

The practical: we review and update our joint budget and financial goals, we review our home maintenance calendar and assign responsibilities for upcoming projects, and we plan which weeks we'll take vacations both ones together and seprately.

pre-retreat we do a reflection process laid out in the "Not So Big Life" book so we share that at the retreat, this year we're also looking at our 40,000ft drawings that we did earlier this year, we also update our relationship grid- which is a tool I think we cobbled together ourselves where we list key goals in different areas of our lives like money, friendships, health and what support we want from each other to encourage that, and last but not least we figure out what kind of vacations we want to have -locations, experiences, with other friends or just us.

We've been doing it for about 5 yrs now and it's really valuable. One more thing is that we actual have a written agenda and we each take responsibility for the different areas of prep. So we do think of it and take it as seriously as a business meeting which makes the actual time together that much richer.


Starting Now

kelstarrising;74588 said:
Do you have anything you like to do as an annual review or process?

I'm starting mine a bit early. Usually I start on the solstice. My year end review starts with all the year end archiving, shredding of old records after scanning and preparations for sending stuff of to the tax accountant. I am still working on a multi-decade backlog of stuff that needs to be scanned and archived as computer files while the physical paper is shredded so I have started that now. I'm hoping I can get the backlog of stuff done before the solstice when I'll start my regular year end review.

I review what got done and didn't get done and where all the really long term projects stand. I also read, review and edit all my Goals, Areas of Focus, Purpose statements and the like. I go through both my computer and physical filing systems and delete unneeded stuff. I walk through the house and barns and take pictures for a quick and dirty inventory of our stuff. I make sure my sheep records are correct and current and ready for our annual federal inspection.