Feature Wishlist for future GTD Software

Tame the Outlook beast

The biggest "technical" issue I have using a Palm to GTD, is synching with Outlook. Outlook is big and slow, and difficult to view the information the way I would like. The real issue is that at work, Outlook is front end for Exchange. I have no choice, but to synch my calendar with Outlook, since we use it for scheduling. I'm not sure I want to sync my tasks and notes and whole life with the corporate Exchange server. Half of my stuff is in Outlook and half in Palm Desktop.

A great feature for specific GTD software would be an independent client that syncs with your Outlook client. All your PIM activity would be done through your GTD client. You could write email in GTD and specify whether to send through Outlook or a personal web client. You could exempt applications (tasks, notes) or individual records such as, "@Phone: Call Recruiter", from being synchronized with Outlook and the IT department's control. That would provide a single PIM interface and a lot more control of personal information.

The GTD application could also have a suite of Palm apps inplace of the native ones. I have an older Palm and had to buy KeySuite in order to have decent functionality.
Waiting for

I would like to have a rule that verifies an arriving email and compares it with my Waiting for tasks/emails. If there is a match in the Tiltle and Delegate (From) then a pop-up window should desplay the associated task and inquire if it should be marked complete?

Anyone want to give this a try with VB code?
