File dividers? Sorry for the posting error!



The system truncated my subject line, where I thought I was describing the problem.

Do you folks who have junked the hanging folders have some sort of separators between "A" and "B" etc? Or do you just inset the files in alphabetical order so "Ball" follows "Art"?

I have found alphabetic inserts for index card systems, but not for free-standing files. Thanks


I don't bother with dividers. The printed labels are clear enough for everything to run together happily.



I find A to Z dividers essential because they tell me where to start to search when I want to retrieve or want to see if a file exists on a topic already. So far, my general l A to Z stretches over three drawers and will soon expand to a fourth. Financial and personal papers make up another drawer, also A to Z. I kept that in one drawer so I can lock it. So far the best dividers areSmead No.S123-25MC. These are moderatly heavy and have colored lamination over the letters. I would prefer even heavier ones but cannot find them readily. I would recommend that you avoid the ligher weight ones altogether--in the Smead line they are plain back letters. One area that I do not use A to Z dividers is for a drawer where I made my own dividers and put on labels that followed the table of contents of the "bible" of that discipline. It has lasted through several revisions of the "bible" with my making a few adjustments as various categories have been expanded or eliminated. If I ever get around to better organizing my recipes and gardening information I will follow the same principle. I still have searching issues with headings for financial and personal information in that I have some family members by first name, others by last name, and some the information by subject--at least it is alphabetical and it is all in one drawer.