Another question I have is, if you have a tag "Next Action - Active", do you also have "Next Action - Inactive"?
And what would you recommend I do with projects where there are tasks for different people that I need to make sure get done. So as an example, I will have a Next Action, and I might have a task for both me and my business partner to discuss something or do something together. Then he will end up with a next Action that he committed to, and I need to track that in case he doesn't. And then I also need to delegate to my employees. So I tag those tasks with their name. And probably should also tag it with Delegate. But then I end up having multiple task in each project, and that's not the best practices. Here is an example:
View attachment 2183
It would be great if they all just used GTD and I could just forward these to them and they all track it in their system. But I basically have to track it on my end to make sure we are moving these things forward. I have a seperate Area of Focus for projects that involve task for other people, mostly my business partner has to do something and sometimes employees. That way I will only review that Area of Focus with my business partner and those projects are easy to find. But then I don't have just one Next Action per project. I divide them by headers. And all these tasks are part of the same project.
When I worked in tech we used the Agile development model at several companies, and that kind of tracking platform might be ideal for a team. But I don't really have anything like that in place right now. In Agile development they don't just have the Next Action because they have to plan the entire project and timeline. We would have the daily scrum meeting where everyone would update the group on where they are with the task they were assigned. In a lot of ways farming projects might need to have the end in mind and have a timeline. There are phases to implement project that need to be planned. Maybe that kind of project planning would be done in a different system. But then I have to delegate and oversee everything in my own tracking system somehow. Maybe I need to have some kind of timeline and phases in the notes of those type of projects for reference.
Would appreciated your thoughts on how to manage this. What I'm doing is not as complicated as building a software project and managing a big team, but I'm also not just managing my own tasks.