

I processed my home in-box to empty. I hope to get back into the habit of
doing this regularly.

I was thinking of using the word "trustability" to encourage myself to keep up
the systems. David Allen keeps talking about "trusted systems", and I'm good
at the trusting part, but you need to keep up the other end!
I think of "trustability" as meaning pretty much the same as "trustworthiness" but
without the heavy moral connotations.

However, I think the word "free" is better. I have some desks marked
"FREE -- gets empty by end of day" and they've been doing very well.
The word emphasises the enjoyment of using an empty desk to
temporarily spread things out.

That's from Martin Ternouth's system, which I started using a few months
before GTD and still use some elements of; some elements of the systems are
similar. His system is in two posts on this web page, especially the second post: (In most browsers you can use control-F to search; search for "Ternouth".)