Going over MIT most important task article by leo

Purpose Your Day: Most Important Task (MIT)
Leo Babauta

I’ve mentioned this briefly in my morning routine, but I thought I’d explain a little bit more about MITs – Most Important Tasks. It’s not an original concept, but one that I use on a daily basis and that has helped me out tremendously.
It’s very simple: your MIT is the task you most want or need to get done today. In my case, I’ve tweaked it a bit so that I have three MITs — the three things I must accomplish today. Do I get a lot more done than three things? Of course. But the idea is that no matter what else I do today, these are the things I want to be sure of doing. So, the MIT is the first thing I do each day, right after I have a glass of water to wake me up.
And here’s the key to the MITs for me: at least one of the MITs should be related to one of my goals. While the other two can be work stuff (and usually are), one must be a goal next-action. This ensures that I am doing something to move my goals forward that day.
And that makes all the difference in the world. Each day, I’ve done something to make my dreams come true. It’s built into my morning routine: set a next-action to accomplish for one of my goals. And so it happens each day, automatically.
Another key: do your MITs first thing in the morning, either at home or when you first get to work. If you put them off to later, you will get busy and run out of time to do them. Get them out of the way, and the rest of the day is gravy!
It’s such a small thing to implement, and yet I’m raving about it like it’s a huge revelation. But it is. Sometimes small things can make big differences. I highly recommend you give it a go.

My stick notes were : "

Important not original
Task you most want or need 2) claim this focus makes you feel ‘gets more done
3 rule at least one related to goal to move forward, other can be work
Makes difference
5 rule is do them ASAP earliest in morning
6 recommends try"

other thoughts were: 1this relates to use @Wilson Ng , where posted to me a similar system in the past.

2,up to this point in time, over the past, felt like I haven't been able to grasp "writing priotioes (typo) on paper" , hence myself re reading this article uploading this post.

or from MM : one could either do this task of MITs first thing in the morning, or Leo - wrote an example , do it at the end of each day as a habit I believe. "

Choose 2 things you most want to work on today. Work on the first MIT. When you finish that, work on the second MIT.

And your saying to write it down on paper physically - right

; and to do this after looked over all my lists or main lists - right? '

"but don't you think this is a big generic ?
or - could just be better to stick to routines or systems says voice "
use what is comfortable for you. write it down on paper or have a note on your phone or computer with your list of two things to work on.
use what is comfortable for you. write it down on paper or have a note on your phone or computer with your list of two things to work on.

I feel like lists on computer and my phone - are not organized

words said - I don't know what is comfortable for myself "
