Longstreet said:
Folke : I am curious....did you really read David Allen's response? What in what he said was confusing?
Did you really read my response? What did you find confusing in that?
But here we go, then, from a slightly different angle this time:
1) The age-old axiom that "anything that works is OK" cannot be attributed to any living person (nor a dead one), because it is so old and of such diverse origin that it cannot even be traced. It is most certainly not specifically attributable to David Allen and GTD. We "all" embrace it more or less - even GTD antagonists do; virtually everyone, always have.
2) GTD becomes a meaningless term if all it means is "anything that works". We already have terms like "anything that works" to describe that. Do we really need an abbreviation? (Then how about ATW? ;-) ) And what about all the methodologies that David's rivals peddle or propose; they work, too, don't they, at least for their users? So are they GTD, too? Perhaps even more GTD - if they work for more people?
And on top of all that - or perhaps at the bottom of all this - it goes against my sense of "academic justice" to praise David for things that everyone else also did, but to omit praise for what he did that was different and outstanding. I think it is a grave injustice to describe him as the man who told us to empty our mail, write things down, and to do whatever works. That is quite like characterizing Gandhi as a man who believed in breathing and talking. Such a decsription is missing the point completely. And, as I said in my previous post, I think this might be a mistake from a marketing point of view as well; it is not just an academic matter.
But to answer your question in a very straight way: I am not sure David's answer is best described as "confusing", perhaps rather as "evasive" or "retired" - or just plain "bland" or "confused". But either way, I could not make heads or tails of it, so if we choose to use your word "confusing", it was confusing in its totality, not just in its parts. I did not understand the overall message, nor the isolated statements (sentences). I did not manage to make much sense of it at all. Sorry.
I am not sure if you know what I mean, Longstreet - we seem to be approaching this from totally different angles, somehow. I hope I did not confuse you with all this. Anyway, it is comforting to know that we will both keep trying to do whatever seems to work best for us, and that we are all happy.