I heard somewhere in an 'official' talk that 'anywhere' is not a good context. It is actually the same as 'unclarified' because if you have an anywhere context you'd have to look in 2 places agaoin. lioke @office and @anywhere. we don't want that, right?
Or does @anywhere mean "NOT in all other contexts"? But WHERE is that? Are yu there oftzen enough to move the tasks forward?
I also think @urgent also makes no sense. When are you in the context "urgent"? If in NEEDS to happen today, put it in the calendar.
I susually say there are three types of contexts
EITHER you want to do it when you are face 2 face with a person
OR you can ONLY do it at a certain place (mow your lawn, access certain high security data only from your workstation in the office, water the plants)
OR you need a tool (mobile to call, computer to write etc.)
"Anywhere" could mean: there is no face2face contact necessary, you need NO tool at all (really? not even pen & paper? OK, maybe a breathing exercise
that I have as a routine to be checked off in my calendar.) and you can do it at 10000m under the ocean or on the south pole or wherever. The question is: of you are OUT of all your contexts is THIS really a good task to put your FOCUS to? DOES it male sense to say:
'I want to see this task ONLY when i am outside of any "PPT"'? Maybe, as I mentioned, only for routines where you ONLY need your body and mind. Maybe find a better way/place to place a trigger for those?