GTD for production managers


Hi all.
I'm a production manager for a promotional product company and i want to implement GTD.
I am slightly struggling with how to integrate the system with the volume of projects.

I have currently 80 jobs in production which equates to 80 manilla folders in stand up files on my desk. Currently the stand up files are organised by sales person but a lot of actions related to the files are date specific.

The typical job has the following tasks associated with it

Art approval (gets delegated by me to design)
unbranded stock order & followup
branding order & samples or approvals followup
Delivery to warehouse
delivery to client

Some jobs are delivered locally with a timeframe of 10 -31 days others are offshore with 3 month deliveries.

I've been toying with arranging some kind of tickler style set up based on delivery to warehouse but if anyone has suggestions I'd be interested to hear them!
