GTD on a Nokia E71

TesTeq;67682 said:
What's wrong with Nokia E71?

It has a pretty good calendar. You can use Active Notes to store GTD lists. Or use web access for this purpose. The "Search The Whole Device" function works well. It has a good camera and a voice recorder. I use it and like it.

Perhaps I should have qualified "useless for me".

I need it to sync up with my main computer based GTD system (MLO) which it cannot. Not the E71s fault of course, just the way it is.

The web access idea is a good one and may be my best hope.

I also use the excellent voice recorder (as I do on all my phones). Its programmed in to the hotkeys. Its probably my number 1 on the go task and idea catcher.
Another Solution

I know this sounds a little suspicious as my first post on this forum - I'm a new GTD'er and just finished the book. Since I wanted to implement the system all digital and use my E71, I spent the last two days searching for an appropriate app, and with the help of the suggestions here, managed to put in some new search strings.

At the 11-th hour, I discovered this little jewel - Upvise (, with a free basic service including lists and notebooks, and timed tasks for 49 dollars a year, which is a tad cheap, but could be worst. It seems to fit all the requirements of a GTD app, and even has offline sync! - only problem is it doesn't integrate with the native apps of the E71, so you have to use it as a replace-all app.

I've detailed my set up in a blogpost here if you're interested.

As I wrote in a recent post, is what I am currently banking on. It is not what most people are looking for in a GTD app based on what I have been reading in this forum.

What it does claim to do is what I have become obsessed with finding:
- provide local storage of notes and web synchronization
- uses tags

By tagging, I can group all my items by their functional categories and by their "disposition" (for lack of the proper term): "@Someday/Maybe" etc., as well as by any other type of grouping.

No doubt there are significant limitations that I have not recognized, but for now that is my plan.

The catch is that the mobile app for notespark only supports iPhone. I prefer a physical keyboard, so was hoping for a Pre, an Android device or the E71 but have not found a suitable app.
Nokia E72

Just thought that i'd add to this thread my experience of the new Nokia E72 which i bought yesterday to replace my old E90. If anyone is interested/forced :) to explore GTD on a symbian device I'd say you cant find a better tool than this. Build quality is superb, it has everything a smartphone is required to have (if you prefer a physical qwerty over touchscreen and want a non-slider) and the in built PIM is IMHO better than anything I've used so far. You are forced to use tags for categories (like @calls) in the description field of the task to substitute for the actual lack of categories in symbian, but in exchange you'll get the best search function for sorting task-lists/contexts that (atl least) i've ever played with (and I've used palm, winmo, uiq). The same applies to notes, documents etc if you want to have some context on these too. And the syncability (?) with other platforms (outlook, gmail) is flawless.