GTD Summit

Just a quick note from all of us who can't be there to all of those who can.

I hope it all goes well and we haven't peaked(!) too soon?!

Looking forward to some output from the summit on Connect . . .

Best wishes
Dave Parker
News from the Summit

Hi there,

It's been a great GTD Summit so far. Nearly 400 people here and a good number of Connect members who will get their own reception tonight with DA & staff. I met so many familiar names, that it's great to see the faces.

Last night was the first night, with a Jazz band, mingle kind of thing. Today we kick off with David Allen & Guy Kawasaki, then a full day of panel discussions, Coaches' Corner and Coaches Theatre.

I'll try to grab some photos today and post here for you all.

kelstarrising;65090 said:
I'll try to grab some photos today and post here for you all.

Thanks, Kelly. I really wanted to be there, but the economy said otherwise (i.e., I can't afford it). Pictures, reflections on events, etc. would be great to see.
Julie in the Coaches' Theatre

Many of you have probably worked with the amazing Julie Ireland, or have read her many posts In The Trenches on Connect. Here she is this morning staffing the Coaches' area at the Summit.

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More photos from the Summit

Great day. Wish you could all be here! Two photos for you:

- Opening session with David Allen.
- Paul, our whiz Director of IT at the GTD Connect member reception tonight.

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Any recordings for connect ?

Will video from the summit be added to the connect site ? Is the opening keynote for instance recorded ? Would love to see that !
I am checking on the recordings question for you and another person's question about the new GTD Workflow Diagram. Here are a few more photos for you all from the Summit.

-The Man Himself...David Allen
-Our Amazing coach Meg Edwards
-Me with our most active Connect Member TesTeq, who came to the GTD Summit all the way from Poland!

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Kelly, thanks for your reply, after seeing al the tweets yesterday about the closing speech david gave thats also high on my wishlist for the video section of connect !

It was amazing to sit here behind my desk in the netherlands and read al the tweets about what was going on in SF .It must have been even more amazing to be there !

Great job for the whole Davidco.
One thing I wished we could have had on our badges at the GTD Connect Reception was our forum names on a badge. Even if that had just been handwritten by ourselves.

I met a bunch of great people there, but with the exception of a small handful of people, I didn't know who there were on the forums (or if they participated).

Wow. A photo of "The Song" aka "Clean Acres" exists.

Oh my.

We can only thank the fates that there is no audio recording to accompany the photo!
Take the time

Wow, Michael! Your maps of the conference are just fantastic! I feel like I got a good dose of the experience without actually being there.
Paul@Pittsburgh;65178 said:
One thing I wished we could have had on our badges at the GTD Connect Reception was our forum names on a badge. Even if that had just been handwritten by ourselves.

I met a bunch of great people there, but with the exception of a small handful of people, I didn't know who there were on the forums (or if they participated).


What a great opportunity to meet other forum members. I wish I had had the opportunity to be there, if only for that (to hear the speakers too, of course). I can't really use the East Coast excuse - hey, Paul came from Pittsburgh and TesTeq all the way from Poland - but I am taking certification classes right now, which should count.
Forgot to mention...

On March 24th, I'll be hosting a webinar on how I've implemented GTD and mind mapping. Join in to hear how mind mapping can be applied to augment your GTD system.

@Barb, @Oogiem, Thanks! Sorry you missed it!
@Alan, I considered flipping the camera to 'video' mode! Your song was a highlight!

My only Summit regret...I wish we had something like 'speed dating' where everyone could have had an opportunity to say hi to everyone else at the event. There were just so many authentic, wonderful people there and too little time to meet them all!
Another MindMap from the Summit

Bruce Somers, who was a guest on the "Relationship GTD: Influence, Integrity, and Incremental Sales" panel, sent us his conference call template to share with the Connect members.

Thanks Bruce!

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Evan Taubenfeld Video


Thanks for the terrific summit. It was first class in every way.

I have a request coming off the conference. Would it be possible for you to post the Evan Taubenfeld video that was shown during the conference to the forum?

For those of us who have musically inclined teenagers, this would be an awesome thing to show them.

Best Regards,

Where to find

If you look under David's UpClose entry (home page of Connect) you'll find a link to it.

I guess I'm old. I've never heard of the guy. (smile)