GTDers' Choice Awards: Ubiquitous Capturing Device

Todd V

The ultimate ubiquitous capturing device has the following qualities:

(1) You can take it with you anywhere
(2) It’s always with you
(3) You begin writing immediately (less than 5 seconds)

With all the options out there I’d like to know from others what their #1 choice is for ubiquitous capture. And I’d prefer it came from those who have been using that collecting device/method for over a year.


Todd V;54316 said:
The ultimate ubiquitous capturing device has the following qualities:

(1) You can take it with you anywhere
(2) It’s always with you
(3) You begin writing immediately (less than 5 seconds)

With all the options out there I’d like to know from others what their #1 choice is for ubiquitous capture. And I’d prefer it came from those who have been using that collecting device/method for over a year.

(1) I know of no device which can be taken anywhere (swimming pool, shower, ...)
(2) See 1. For specific requirements you need specific tools.

I use a Palm TX (fits [1-3] enough for me). While cycling with my racing bike I carry a Moleskine Cahier.
I use this setup for more than 5 years (of course not the actual Palm).


Day Owl

Not waterproof, but fits all the other requirements:

Small pack of 3x5 cards cut in half (so pack measures 2 1/2 x 3) held together with a mini binder clip, plus pencil stub or Pilot G2 mini.


NoteTaker wallet

Or generic version of the same thing. I'm never without my wallet, which also has credit cards, identification, and building-access cards in it. Because my wallet also has a pad of paper and pen in it, I'm never without a capture tool.

I've had mine for 3 years. I'm constantly amused and amazed at how helpful and useful it is. Mine is used so often that people know often ask to borrow the pen and paper when we're at an impromptu meeting, at lunch, in a bar, etc.


I'm a DA Notetaker Wallet user. It's always with me and is one of the most important GTD tools in my productivity arsenal.


Here's to the GTD note taker wallet

While I haven't found anything that does well in the shower or while driving, it's hard to beat the the GTD note taker wallet anywhere else.

I am considering getting a pen that doubles as a voice recorder for the times I am driving, but I have a simple work around for dealing with capturing next actions and ideas in the shower. just turn the water off and grab my wallet, which is never more than a reach away from me. :)


GTD Trifold NoteTaker Wallet / Nokia 6670 phone voice recorder.

GTD Trifold NoteTaker Wallet / Nokia 6670 phone voice recorder.


hth;54320 said:
(1) I know of no device which can be taken anywhere (swimming pool, shower, ...)
(2) See 1. For specific requirements you need specific tools.

I use a Palm TX (fits [1-3] enough for me). While cycling with my racing bike I carry a Moleskine Cahier.
I use this setup for more than 5 years (of course not the actual Palm).


I've got one of those. It's in my head. Trouble is the recall circuit often fails. :)



Lots of cheap "reporter" 4 by 6 pads of paper that flip up at the top. In the car, near the phones ie any place my "organizer" might not be.

Mark Jantzen


It's the Notetaker wallet for me.

The swimming pool's a tough one but at hotel pools it's usually stuck in a shoe close by.


14 x 21cm spiral bound pad where sheets can easily be pulled out.

Plus vanilla PDA for diary entries and contact details

My favorite

The little Zebra telescoping pen from Staples, shrinks down to about the size of a cigarette but the ink is within so no spots on the slacks. Meade 3 by 5 pad fits in the back pocket and isn't noticeable. Love it.


Currently using two Palm E2 tungstens,,,,I hotsync and swap when the lithium battery runs low, that way I'm always up....

Stateside and internationally I use the Palm Treo, turns the cellphone/PDA combo into one unit and is the "BMW" of cellphones,,,here in Japan they don't use it but a GSM model is usable almost anywhere,,,,

I've been using Palm for about 7 years now, GTD really gave me a discipline behind using it, vice it being just an address book w/games.

I think any smartphone is the best "tech" solution but a notepad and paper helps with the more "adhoc" split-second stuff.


I bought the GTD notetaker wallet 4 months ago (sorry less than 1 year) and suffice to say it's awesome. The fact it's in the same place as my ID, credit cards etc, is what makes it readily available at almost anytime.

It's a tad pricey at $100, but the quality is good and I use it - and to me that makes it worth it.

Another good thing about it is that you are limited to about 5 or 6 cards, a couple of business cards and this keeps you from cramming it full of stuff. During my weekly review, I collect the notes I've taken and put into the system.



Whoa ... has no one seriously mentioned their Moleskine yet?

I keep a small Moleskine in my purse, along with a small arsenal of pens. Once I process notes in my Moleskine, I highlight them.

I can't think of a time I'm not with my purse, and if I do have a brilliant idea while in the shower, I can always get out for a moment and write it with a dry-erase pen on my Personal Routine checklist hanging on the bathroom wall.



I tend to use 3x5 cards stored in a Bomber Jacket Pocket Briefcase from Levenger. Not sure why but I never really got on with the notetaker wallet and feel a lot more comfortable with the larger writing area of a card.


For me the devices for capture are square notepaper on my desk, Notepad on the Palm (away from desk and on the fly) or inputting directly on KeySuite Tasks on the Palm (when I have time - away from desk).


Mobility and Office GTD Methods and Devices

I've got a bunch of systems working for me, for mobility:

  • I have wall-velcroed 2-3 yellow legal pads.
  • a wall-velcroed mini white board
  • various writing instruments velcroed to the wall
  • a PDA (currently 8125, but with windows mobile and a slide keyboard, it's WAY too slow, blackberry and/or palm sound faster)

possible additons and/or alterations: a MUCH more efficient pda that has exceptional macbook-syncing capabilities. A pocket moleskine. I've just heard of moleskines in the past few days, but I remember I think writer larry david always carried something like that for ideas, and it seems handy. It's not high-tech but it's "quickness of writing" is off the charts. My handwriting is "doctor-like" (nearly illegible) so non-typing forms of data processing and notetaking don't, typically, work well with me, unless it's a brainstorming session. Blackberry's (well Rex's technically) ideaMatrix software looks pretty incredible (but expensive).

Then for office area I have:
  • a large, permanently-mounted whiteboard,
  • a yellow legal pad on one of those "doctor clipboards" with a built-in calculator.
  • a stack of blank 8-11 printing papper
  • another permanently mounted mini whiteboard
  • lot's of ONLY clickable pens and pencils (pen caps and pencil sharpeners are just NOT GTD utensils! If you use pencil sharperners and pen caps, you might as well just devolve back to "quill feather pen and ink well"!haha. I'm just a stickler on writing utensils. If you aren't entering data electronically (via keyboard) why bumble with "caps and sharpeners". Clickable pens and pencils work best

Now that I think about it, I'm hyper organized!! Sweet. I also have a macbook which is my personal indispensible invaluable organizing tech device for EVERYTHING (video editing, general organization (iCal, firefox, tons of automated Automator macros that do thigns like automatically back-up Google notebooks, create backups, and the like). For the year I had a windows laptop, my productivity plummeted from about a 7 to a 2. Now, with the macbook, I'm back up at about an 8-8.5 (10 being "Jedi Organized" "Action Non-Action (Wu Wei) Zen Master" ):mrgreen: