Guided Weekly Review with Kelly

Outstanding webinar today with Kelly! Guided weekly review is helpful and I am implementing some new ideas for my reviews. Cheers!
Glad to hear you liked the "live" format. We've just scheduled a live Guided Mind Sweep for May 19, and another Guided Weekly Review for June 23. We'll have live registration links for those available in the next couple days.
I like the live format as well! I had the funny experience of my world blowing up about 5 minutes into the webinar. Blowing up in a good way but I had to reschedule my weekly review.
Following up on feedback about the live format, we've got registration links available now for these two upcoming webinars:

Guided Mind Sweep
Friday, May 19, 2017 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PDT

Guided Weekly Review
Friday, June 23, 2017 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM PDT

You'll find registration links in the top of the webinars section on the right side of most GTD Connect pages. And we're trying out Zoom as a webinar platform, with the aim of providing a more interactive experience.
I have been waiting for the posting of the Mind Sweep webinar, but it still shows "Taming Clutter" as the most recent. Will you be posting the recording?
For the Mind Sweep webinar on May 19, we were trying out the Zoom webinar platform. Because there was quite a bit of discussion about the webinar platform that was not relevant to the Mind Sweep, we stopped the recording. We will be recording and posting the next Mind Sweep, coming up on June 9, and the Weekly Review on June 23.
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A bit more follow-up about the Zoom platform. Our main reason for trying it out was because we'd heard it could make the attendees questions, answers, and comments visible to all attendees, not just to the panelists. That functionality was only available to a few attendees on May 19, and we needed to do more testing to find out whether the issue was on the host or client side. We've found that a way to enable it from the host side. We still recommend that attendees install the latest version of Zoom, available here. It's the first client option.