How do you link actions to Areas of Responsibilities


Conejo23;74400 said:
It would be cool to be able to see actions not just by project or context but also by AOR. This is an area of my life that is important to me, now what have I structured and planned to move it along?

Just wondering how others tie in this level (and the higher ones) with their projects and actions.

I use Outlook 2002 to track my Projects, Next Actions & AORs a.k.a. (Roles) I would track your Desired Outcome by selecting 3 Categories. (Project) (Context) (AOR) My Areas Of Focus are: Career, Family/Friend, Finance, Home Manager, Leisure/Recreation, Self, Spouse/Parent. In your example I would have a project named after your desired outcome (Optimum Health) A next action (Run 5 miles today) & an AOR (Self).

You only have to create this Task once in Outlook. In the Subject you put in your Desired Outcome. In the Notes section you put in your next action. Click on the categories tab & select Project, Context, AOR. Once you've completed the next action precede it with a date stamp to mark it as done & push it down the note field & add your next action above it.

My categories are: *Projects, *Read/Review, *Waiting For @Anywhere, @Computer, @Errands, @Hangar, @Home, @Office, @Parents.

This is how I tie AORs to Projects & Next Actions.



Thanks Pablo, i appreciate you sharing how you do it.

the challenge with your example is that, per classic GTD definitions, you're turning an AOR into a project. "Create Optimum Health" isn't a project, there's no finish line where i can say "ok, this is completed, time to move on to something else." Therefore, it isn't a project, in this case it's an AOR.

At least that's how i'm looking at it at this point.

i'm really trying to avoid making AORs into projects, i think that will confuse my brain and muddy up my projects list.