well, DA says it takes at least a YEAR, to start getting the hang of GTD, and he's right. It even takes much longer than that.
Its not possible, in my view, to really try GTD for a few weeks, or even months, without actually trying it.
Of course, people can just ignore what DA has carefully designed, and just do it 'their own way' before they even understand what DA was getting at.
Its their life.
But I have found that its better to CAREFULLY LISTEN to qualified experts in a field, and to carefully do as they instruct, and then you will see what they are talking about. Even if it 'feels weird' its better to carefully follow their instructions, IF this expert is credible and trustworthy.
Its like a good singing teacher, they will tell you to do things you don't want to do for months and even years. But guess what, they know what they are doing, (if they are good) and all of a sudden you can get great results, you would have NEVER gotten yourself, if you just did what felt comfortable.
But if we don't carefully listen to the experts who have credibility, and then TRY what they suggest, properly, for a reasonable period of time, the only person we are hurting is ourself with our own arrogance.
It takes a lot longer than 6 months to break bad habits we may have accumulated for many years. Its much easier to just slip back into our own rigid and arrogant patterns, and then we don't grow or learn.
DA is a smart guy, and has done some good work.
For someone to 'get it' it requires some pretty serious committment and thought over a long period of time, I say over a year even.
But a lot of people want to 'change' something, when they don't even understand it yet.
Hey, its their life.
But that's not the way to be most effective, in my experience.
When I see someone who has some credibility, then I will give them the benefit of the doubt for an extended period of time.
Maybe they can teach me something I don't know.