How to renew a Task in Outlook 2007 when you've accidentally completed it


My daughters love to play games on my phone...and go through and magically make all of my tasks disappear by marking them completed. I know that I can go into the task and change the status from completed to not completed, BUT the "crossed out" line does NOT go away in my task list! SO FRUSTRATING. :-x

I want to make the crossed out line disappear so that it will return to my task list as a normal task. Since I can't get that strike-through line to disappear from the task title, I can't get them to show up in my task preview pane in Outlook...

Any suggestions?


Is it Windows Phone 7 smartphone?

Outlook 2007 on a phone? Is it a Windows Phone 7 smartphone?


It was a Windows phone running the 6.5 version I believe - the last version before they released Windows 7. I believe that my girls "checked off" my tasks which then made them appeared as completed in Outlook 2007 (ON MY COMPUTER). Even though I've now removed the "check" so that the task is now shown as "not completed," it still shows up with a strikethrough the title in my Outlook 2007 (ON MY COMPUTER) list and won't show up in my active or incomplete task lists....


bbqpringles;92133 said:
My daughters love to play games on my phone...and go through and magically make all of my tasks disappear by marking them completed. I know that I can go into the task and change the status from completed to not completed, BUT the "crossed out" line does NOT go away in my task list! SO FRUSTRATING. :-x

I want to make the crossed out line disappear so that it will return to my task list as a normal task. Since I can't get that strike-through line to disappear from the task title, I can't get them to show up in my task preview pane in Outlook...

Any suggestions?

I know this is an old post, but it was one of the first hits for my search to figure out the answer to this exact question.

I found the answer! Basically:

1. Follow instructions here to view completed tasks.

2. Next to your grayed out item there will be a checkbox with a checkmark in it, take the checkmark out.

That's it! Your task should now be back in your "To-Do List" without a line in it.