How to use GTD as a general contractor

Hi all,
As far as i can tell with the limited usage i had, it works! (For me, that is)
All the discussion here led me to make a little cover with penholder and a place to stick a small pack of post-it notes. So getting a call on a scaffolding, after i finish the call, i whip out that "booklet", make a note and put the post-it on the opposing side inside the cover. Making it a notepad and an in-box at the same time. When evening comes, i take out the used post-its and process them.
Its way easier and quicker than putting a note in my phone! Even with my sub-optimal handwriting!

And with this i hope to give someone another even better idea for his/her own solution to a similar problem.
For a flexible on-site digital system, you might want to try an app like Notion or Evernote for organizing notes, tasks, and client meetings. Pair that with a reliable task manager like Todoist for tracking supplies, orders, and deliveries.
General Contracting . . . like any of life's battle's . . . good GTD logistics are indispensable for coordinating-&-completing internal and external variables which are much more random than desired ?