-Organizations. I don't think the full GTD process can be fully implemented in an organization, and I don't know if that is even desirable. It would be interesting to see objective 3rd party research on the results of attempting this. Also, getting groups to behave and think together in this fashion can lead to GroupThink. I personally would not want everyone to be thinking and acting in the same way in a group or organization, I personally find that somewhat creepy. Also, getting in my head that others should be more GTD-like, is going to make me more stressed. The bottom line is, if I am not their boss, or even if I am, I basically have to learn to accept a lot of 'unacceptable' human behavior that I don't like in people. If my expectations for others behavior are unrealistic, I am going to suffer, with frustration, anger and even intolerance.
One way to reach GOALS in organizations is that ALL of the members in the team/group/your staff know the direction the company/business/office is going. `Cause, if people pulling to all directions, well... were will we strand
-clear Psychic RAM. Does having clear psychic RAM make us more productive? Is it even possible to achieve this state? Is keeping 'everything out of your head' an achievable goal? Does not writing down a call make a person stressed? I don't know if it does. I know many people who are not particularly stressed, and they keep lots of things in their heads. I also know people who write everything down who are a mess. So again, I would think this could benefit from some careful testing, to see if it backfires for certain people. Also, there is often a genetic temperament component with these types of issues.
I live after the motto: If you can think it, ink it...
I say no more, the other GTD:eer know what I´m talking about..
If you can handle all this lists in your head, well... you don´t need GTD.
-Stress-free productivity. I think that is obviously a catch-phrase, but I am not sure again, that is realistic. Reduced stress? Well, that can be objectively measured. Increased productivity? That also can be measured. But there ain't no such thing as 'stress-free' on this planet. But again, these things can be measured objectively by 3rd parties. Wouldn't it be interesting to see if the GTD process made certain types of people more stressed out? Is getting a Mind Like Water a realistic goal? Or is it another unattainable concept?
a realistic goal is to feel relaxed. The trick is to use a system that you can trust and feel "comfy" with... don´t overwork it, don´t underestimate it.. work the system, and the system will work for you....
-GTD as a global thought process. David mentions that is his mission. But on a personal level, can the GTD methodology be gainfully applied to both our professions, and with our wives and kids? I personally think it is going way too far to push this type of systems thinking into one's intimate relationships, which is why most people 'grimace' when hearing the idea of directing the wife to your Inbox. I don't want to be hit on the head one day with an Inbox.
Is it better to be hit on the head ´cause you missed to do something crusial, and if you hade tried GTD better, you probably wouldn´t get that smack on your head ´cause you didn´t miss that critical thing.
Isn´t better that you, ProjectThis! live up to the forumname you have, and do what it says, ProjectThis and soon will you discover that you where wrong all the time... nagging on a system that helps so many of us other...
For the rest of us who know what GTD is all about, keep on GTD:ing and have a good life, be well organized, feel that you are without stress, a peaceful mind and your soul full of joy.
// Popeye