In Conversation with Chris Bailey

John Forrister

GTD Connect
Staff member
Join David for a wide-ranging conversation about productivity, with Chris Bailey. After business school, Chris spent a year studying productivity, and conducting experiments on himself to test what he had studied. He called it A Year of Productivity. Since then he has "continued his research and interviews with some of the world’s foremost experts, from Charles Duhigg to David Allen." His book is called The Productivity Project.

Chris has a very practical approach, using a combination of paper, Simplenote for quick capture, and Evernote for projects and reference. His conversation with David also gets into the philosophy of productivity. Chris maintains that we can't separate productivity from intention, because intention is at the heart of productivity.

You can click here to reach his site, A Life of Productivity. Or here, to watch Chris's TEDx video.


John Forrister said:
Chris spent a year studying productivity, and conducting experiments on himself to test what he had studied. He called it A Year of Productivity.

As all we know creating some lists and testing them is not the real GTD implementation. It is some kind of exercise.

The real GTD implementation is a mind surgery (mind, not brain!). It can take two years to create necessary changes in thinking and required confidence.