I tend to think of a core dump as a listing of what's in the computer so that you can debug the program because it's not working the way you expect. Then again, I can force a core dump at a certain stage just to see what's in memory as my program executes so it's not always that it crashed, just that it did something unexpected. So a mish mash of the Star Trek and computer ones.
In any case, back to the OP's concern, IMO no there is no issue with doing collection, whether it's the physical part first or the mental part in any order or even some of each. as long as you do it and then process it.
For example, I may be walking around the farm and noting projects and issues to deal with, the physical collection part, and my mind goes off on a tangent about something I need to do on LambTracker, the mental part. I just write it down too and continue on.