Leading In-House GTD Training Course??

Has anyone here ever taken GTD the book and used it for an in-house course or workshop/seminar at the jobsite to boost productivity? Like, take a chapter a week or so? I would be interested in your thoughts on how it went or pointers. Thanks!
If the people know already the system, maybe is more useful to get the Ready for Anything book, has 52 chapters, one per week....

There is a yahoo group that does that... sorry I do not have the link with me know...
Hm! Today my boss asked me if I would be interested in doing a short presentation on GTD for my co-workers. I said, Give me 6 months (need some more experience with it).
Re: Leading In-House GTD Training Course??

Rogaine Warrior said:
Has anyone here ever taken GTD the book and used it for an in-house course or workshop/seminar at the jobsite to boost productivity? Like, take a chapter a week or so? I would be interested in your thoughts on how it went or pointers. Thanks!

I´ve written articles for our Intranet staff "paper"on "Managing your In-box", "Managing your To-Do list" and finally "Managing your projects". I each time make reference to DA and the GTD book as well as DavidCo.com.

Response from my work fellows has been good.

Re: Leading In-House GTD Training Course??

We formed a small study group.

We actually used the GTD Fast tapes as our guide and implemented over a 6 week period.

Worked well.