Live webinar on Managing Decision Fatigue


Staff member
This will be a panel discussion with GTD coaches on ways to manage decision fatigue. We will consider situations where decision fatigue can show up, ways to reduce the impact, and ways to recover. Your questions and comments will be welcome during the webinar.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 8:00–9:00AM Pacific

The registration link is at the top of the Webinars panel on the right side of pages.
I am still undecided if I will participate. ;-)
Very funny!

I know you know this, but I'm saying it for anyone might not yet.

Often I've heard from coaches that when clients are asked to specify the next action on something, they will say, "Decide about . . ." The coach replies, "What do you need to make that decision?" There's usually a more granular action about getting more information. Then it becomes a call to make, an email to send, a colleague or family member to talk with, and so on.

I've found that there is major psychological leverage in having a next action that leads to a decision, instead of a general command to myself to decide.
Your are correct, John. (of course :-) )

Usually, when I feel indecision or decision fatigue, I need one of the following:
  • more time - this includes scenario in which I suffer from mental fatigue and the decision is "too big", even when processing it further down, or when I feel that things need to "sit" for a while
  • more information - this usually leads to a next action like inquire, research, email, call
  • more clarity - this is usually alleviated by a NPM, at which end I will also arrive with a next action. It is a similar case than the one above, but with a more formal "next action finding" by way of NPM'ing*)
  • more perspective - sometimes I just, without doing an NPM, need to look at my horizons map (I do the horizons of focus in a mind map) to get some clarity and arrive at a decision

*) side note - I like that David and Ed give some timing guidelines as to how long you should use for a quick NPM on a problem. Of course, I will not disclose these time recommendations here, since... spoilers.... - seriously, everyone, read the new book! :) it's great (and it also tackles "indecision" on a Team/Organizational level
This one is of particular interest to me. I've had a habit of creating lists longer than I'm comfortable reviewing. Recently I've tried to focus on limiting my NA and project lists to things I can realistically commit to "as soon as possible." I'll be curious to learn whether there are other strategies.
My non-participation was not a case of indecision, but vacation plans made it impossible to dial in. Hence - looking forward to the recording!