Livescribe pen usage


I'm more than a little wary about the fact you have to use their paper.
It's not check and at the rate I go through paper..

Also I'm in the UK so don't know about distribution.

That said - They give a free year of Evernote Premium - Which is on my to get list anyway.

You found anymore info?

Does it wiretap?

About 90% of the discussions I have are by phone. Does the pen record phone calls? And if so, how does one address the wiretap laws?
I have the Livescribe Echo pen

In theory, it's nice because I don't pay attention well so it's great to have a record so I can go back and listen.

In practice, I find that I rarely feel like I have the time to go back and listen again. It has to be super important to get me to do that.

This might just be me though. In general, I take a lot of notes and then don't refer back to them. I tend to have a separate pad of stickies where I write next actions, so they don't get buried in the notes and I can just throw them in an in-basket and process them.

I am in the UK and have been using a Livescribe Pulse with I think was the model before the Echo, for the last 2 years.

I have used both the single subject pads and also printed my own paper & bound this into a pad.

I currently use the single suject pads. I try and keep good notes during meetings and mark any next actions with large dot in the lefthand margin, which I then transfer into my system. I only use the recordings if when looking back at my notes I am unsure of the meaning/context etc.

You can also covert the notes into typed text, which is useful if you need to publish minutes/actions quickly.

If I cab be of any further help, let me know.