Managing Email Webinar is now live


Kelly | GTD expert
The Managing Email Webinar is now available on the home page of Connect for replay. It's about an hour and goes through the fundamentals of processing & organizing email GTD style. I also answered some member questions submitted throughout the Webinar.


Enjoyed the webinar, thanks Kelly. I always get good ideas of things to try in my own system.

What are your thoughts on Someday/Maybe? If you were managing emails from folders (camp one?) where would those go? A folder labeled Someday/Maybe would be far down the list but then again they're not actionable items so there's no urgency.

I'm experimenting with DA's lean structure and finding the attraction to those emails improving.

- Mark
Handling Somedays

Since I use my lists as the reminder, what I do is just file the email in a place that I would keep reference. My Someday/Maybe list would have the description. Sometimes I link to it, sometimes not. For example, yesterday I had a Someday action to try some new software. I put the details I would need into a category in one of our Notes databases under a category called "Video" and captured the action on my Someday/Work list.

If I were managing it from folders I would likely park the email in a Someday folder to keep it corralled. I'd be very dubious of just chucking it into any reference folder for fear it would be list in the sea of other info.
Read - FYI

Good tips, thanks Kelly!

Another folder structure I use a lot is Read - FYI where I keep a flood of emails (news, market research, etc.) that fall in between Action and Reference.

And since a lot of my Read - FYI messages become stale quickly it makes purging and living within IT's database size limits easier than one big Reference folder.

But I file them manually out of IN rather than use email rules because the meaning is usually much more complex than just the name of the sender. Just today I had messages from fall into all three categories Action, Read - FYI and Reference.
