MindManager/ResultManager Trial experience/questions



I've been playing with mindmaps for just over a year. Last year I downloaded the trial of mindmanager and actually used it ito facilitate brainstorming session for a client. I was paid to be there for a whole day (eight hours) but by using mind maps on the projector I finished the facilitating in 5 hours and managed to do some shopping before having to go to the airport. You can't complain about that!!

Since then I've been using the maps when I can and am starting to appreciate the speed with which you can achieve constructive ideas out of an amorphous blob of grey matter!!

After reading about ResultManager I thought I would retrial both mindmanager and this program. I've really enjoyed using it for the last week. I've almost made a map of my 'life' ... which is great because I was feeling a bit overwhelmed again about all I wasn't getting 'done' and this seems to have supplied me with the internal encouragement I needed to persue my dreams. By making a central map just containing my 'roles' (or 20,000 view) I was able to see how my life was lacking balance and started to plug small tiny achievable goals into the neglected areas. The graphics in the new version of mindmanager are spectacular as is the interface - in a year I can't believe how this program has come along.

As far as resultmanager is concerned - I also like that a lot. I think the dashboard views are terrific - haven't we always wanted to 'know' which projects did not have an action on them .... the automation of this addin is spectacular and the developers ought to be congratulated.

I've been practising and reading help manuals but have come across just two minor issues and wondering if anyone else out there has found the same problem.

First is just a matter of semantics I guess but how are you all coping with the 'results' definition? I gather that a 'result' is a milestone but I find that because I've not had that terminology in GTD I get a little confused about when to use 'result' as opposed to 'project'. I could of course avoid using it altogether but then the dashboards are showing the 'result' branches and I haven't been brave enough *yet* to get in and customise my own dashboards. If anyone could enlighten me with further examples of when/why/how to use the result activity I'd really apppreciate it.

Secondly, when I have been working with my 'roles' I have tried to deactivate them because they are not projects of course. When however I do the deactivate radio button, they still come up as either committed or someday/maybe when I would really like them not to appear in the project lists at all within dashboard views. I thought that if they were deactivated that they would not appear in say the express view or weekliy review listed under the committments or someday maybes but they do show themselves. Again I guess what I need to learn is how to customise the dashboards but I'm preferring to feel really comfortable with basic use before I start doing that.

Those are my only queries so far. I would like resultmanager to speak to the gtd add in as far as actions are concerned ... but apart from that I'm pretty happy with the export to outlook facility.

Cost is an issue (especially in australian dollars) but if you can save a few hours at a time on every project you are involved in you start to realise that perhaps it is a worthwhile investment.

I was initially afraid of the learning curve - but have not found it steep.Mindmanager with the ResultManager add-in seem to be quite intuitive.

Interested to hear from anyone else using this in a gtd environment.

Like Marc (mochant) I would like to change over and use these maps to run my life but I'm not quite brave enough to do so.... I did see on the mindmanager website that someone was so in love with the program that they said they were 'married to it'.



Thank you for your comments

Hi Helen

Thank you for your detailed comments.

Regarding the naming of the "Result" item, we have also had feedback on this from the ultimate authority on the subject 8)

In ResultManager, a "Result" is the exact equivalent of a "subproject". We called it a Result to maintain emphasis on the results and outcome-focused approach, and to try to avoid typecasting ResultManager as a dull project management tool. But following feedback from GTD'ers, we will be adding a user option so that a Result can be called a "Subproject" instead.

I'm not sure why deactivated items might be coming back into the dashboard. Clicking the Deactivate radio button removes the Project icon, the Result icon and the task icon, so ResultManager should no longer consider this topic to be an activity. This is (or should be!) independent of the setting of the Committed icon. I'll contact you for some more details about this and we will investigate it immediately.

In the MindManager world, there is an acknowledged phenomenon known as "MindManager fever". This is when you turn to maps to tackle just about everything that requires thinking. I got hooked many years ago and now everything that will take more than 2 minutes is mapped out. I do need to make regular backups to be able to sleep at night, though!

Best regards
Nick Duffill, Gyronix


Thanks Nick, I've sent you a response to your message with regard to the deactivated activities going through to the dashboards as projects.

Can't seem to find a way to stop that so look forward to your advice.

I thank you for the clarification of result/sub-project as well - I guess I am so used to DA's jargon that I get nervous with anything new!!!



Re: MindManager/ResultManager Trial experience/questions

helenjc said:
Like Marc (mochant) I would like to change over and use these maps to run my life but I'm not quite brave enough to do so.... I did see on the mindmanager website that someone was so in love with the program that they said they were 'married to it'.



It's a transitional process I think. I find myself, like Nick, mapping more and more of my projects as I get more comfortable with how to keep everything in sync. I'm not currently using the GTD add-in so the two-tag sync is not an issue for me right now.

I'm in a mode where I use the Dashboards to get a higher altitude view of what's going on (there's a review map open nearly all the time on my system these days) but still do the management of incoming stuff and calendar and contacts in Outlook. And then there's GoBinder when I'm in meetings and on the move to let me do the "Tablet thing".

I open Outlook, and the MM/RM combo first thing and have them running all day long.

Keep us apprised on how your usage evolves. Your posts are great reading!
