mini pen

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I was fortunate to find a nice leather notetaker wallet while on vacation. Only problem is that it did not come with a pen. "regular" pen is too long and sticks out of the wallet.

Anyone know of skinny, short pen that i might find for use with the wallet?


Check the Day-Timers website - They have Zebra miniature pens and pencils, sold separately or in a set (under $10 for both). They are under 4.5 in. long, and look skinny as toothpicks. Is this what you need?
Itty bitty pens

Cross makes a very small pen intended to replace the stylus in a palm.
The top has a stylus tip. Twist the tip, and the pen comes out the bottom, just like a standard Cross pen. I keep one in my notetaker wallet. Just over $10, if I recall correctly.

Mini Esprit Ballpoint

I believe this is the same pen that comes with the notetaker wallet sold by David Allen Co.

It's made by rOtring.

They sell them at

Just click on the shop by brand and click on rOtring.

- Mark
Itty bitty pens

Pencity has the Cross micro at $13.50 each. That's what I have. I belive the DA Notetaker Wallet uses the Rotring Esprit Mini at $32 each at Pencity.
