Every time I try to develop a morning routine, it lasts only a day or two, because almost every day is different. So I really need 3 routines.
Routine A: Monday & Wednesday:
1. Exercise, shower, dress, breakfast
2. plan day during 18 block walk to shuttle bus (8 to 8:30 AM)
3. arrive at office 8:45 to 9; check email, answer emails from students
4. start whatever is my #1 priority (written on 3x5 card evening before)
Routine B: Tuesday & Thursday:
1. Exercise, shower, dress, breakfast
2. 8 or so, at home: check emails & answer important ones
3. 9:15 to 10: review lectures (without notes) while walking 19 blocks to class
4. 10 to 2 (technically this isn't even morning, is it?): class
then shuttle bus to office, work on priority items
Routine C: Friday & Sunday, At home:
1. exercise, dress
3. read newspaper over breakfast
3. plan day--errands? prep lectures? write article? grade papers?
4. follow plan