Actually, I welcome discussion. I always hope that somebody will tell me a better way to do things.
Yes, I may move to my wiki.
I am posting these
a) hoping that I may get feedback
b) because I hope that they may be useful to others.
That others trying to use OneNote may find my these things, see that some of the showstopping problems in so many of the recommendations about how to use OneNote can be worked around. And maybe start developing a community of people who use OneNote for GTD. Oftentimes it feels like I am the only one doing so, at least in this public forum. I suspect that I am one of only a few power users trying to use OneNote for GTD. (By Power User I mean hacker - somebody who writes code to automate and extend things that the app cannot easily do out of the box. There should be a different word for users who happen have memorized every keyboard shortcut, but who don't automate stuff.)
---+ Every Level of Indirection Reduces Usability
If I put things in my wiki, I suspect that it will make it harder for others to find them. Even if there is a link from the GTD Forum to my wiki. It has been my experience that every time you have to traverse a link, people are less likely to find stuff. It's not just me thinking that - I am pretty sure that I have seen much research about this wrt hypertext systems
Search like Google helps. But if, e.g. somebody did a search "OneNote" they would find the link, but not mostly other pages. Not my wiki pages. Worse for "OneNote tags". Yes, my wiki pages might show up in ""OneNote tags GTD", but so does a lot of other stuff. More and more I fond that I narrow my google searches to increase the chance of useful stuff.
(AFAIK there is no search for "OneNote tags GTD" that are referred to by stuff on
In fact, much of the discussion in these GTD Forums, not just about OneNote, implies this "increased indirection makes things harder to find" observation.
RELATED SIMILAR: one of the things that OneNote and many other GTD tools lack, but which wikis like TWiki and Confluence have, is transclusion: page A may not only link to page B, but can actually include the text of page B. This is a hypertext BKM to get around the problem, of levels of indirection, without replicating content - leaving stuff in one and only one place to make editing easy.
---+ Incremental vs Current Status
Forums like this are incremental. Historical. New pages get added. New replies accumulate on threads. But never (hardly ever) is the content cleaned up to organize it. Email is similarly incremental, historical, accumulative.
Wikis are all about editing. It is supposed to be easy for a community to edit text in a wiki, to reflect current status, best practices, etc.
Many wikis have sections which are blindly added to like threads, and other sections which are organized, reference material.
Wikis that don't ... tend to accumulate cruft and die.
Both approaches are valuable.
As GTD says - capture stuff as quickly as possible. Reorganize it (into projects, reference, next action lists) during reviews
Anyway, I am using this forum as the incremental way of capturing these notes on OneNote and sharing them as quickly as possible. Or at least making them shareable. If there is anyone else out there trying to use OneNote for GTD.