Multiple next actions?



I'm in the very beginning of GTD implementation and want to clarify some assumptions I've made.

1. Every project must have its NEXT ACTION unless it's over.
2. If I have more that one next action is it Ok? I mean I'm planning not only the next step but the following it also.
3. Next action task may change cause since it was planned some other things may happen and the action is not relevant anymore.


Next Actions

1. Yes.
2. There may be more NAs for the project but they must be independent. NA must be executable without any preconditions in a given context. The project plan may consist of many subsequent actions. The subsequent action may become the Next Action if there are no preconditions except for the context.
3. Please give an example of such situation.


Multiple Next Actions


1. Every project must have its NEXT ACTION unless it's over.

It depends on your definition of NEXT ACTION.

The next item for a project may be a next action in a context list, a waiting-for item, a delegated item, an appointment in the calendar, or a tickler item in the tickler file. If you think of all of these as "next actions," then the answer is "yes." If not, then the answer is "no." I would agree that an active project should have at least one of these at all times. Projects on the Someday/Maybe list should not.

2. If I have more that one next action is it Ok? I mean I'm planning not only the next step but the following it also.

Yes and no.

The yes part is that it is possible to have multiple next actions on a project. That is because the work on most projects can be performed in multiple, independent steps.

The no part is that you should not put every action in a project plan into your next action lists because most will not be next actions. (See TesTeq's response to this question above.) Keep project plans in your project support materials. Only real next actions should go into the context lists.

3. Next action task may change cause since it was planned some other things may happen and the action is not relevant anymore.


You can always change a project plan as the result of unforseen events or from unforseen consequences of your previous work on the project. Next actions are only reminders of things you intended to do. If you change your mind, you can always delete a next action and replace it with another.