NetCentrics will no longer be selling the GTD®Outlook Add-In

I am very disappointed!!! I've used the NetCentrics GTD Outlook Add-In (GTDOA) for almost 3 years and find it EXCELLENT!! Since I use Outlook 2013 for my primary GTD management - thru GTDOA on my desktop and TaskTask ( on my iPhone, I've not really made the "move to "mobile". So your announcement is heart-breaking.

I guess I need to download the GTD and Outlook 2013 instructions and go back to the manual way of managing my Next Action lists. Your Add-In is awesome! It will be sorely missed, unless of course someone can let me know of an alternative! I would appreciate any recommendations from anyone as to how to manage emails and Next Actions lists using a combination of desktop (through Outlook 2013) and an iPhone.
It's not that the add-in will no longer work, just that it will not be updated. I too just stumbled on the software because it is the most accessible I found with my screen reader which I can integrate through a calendar on my iPhone. Furthermore, the support that I have received has been above and beyond what is expected; that will be missed indeed. Dave Clarkson really knows his stuff.
Actually I don't find the explanation very convincing. "The world has moved to mobile applications". GTDOA was specifically designed to work with Outlook, which is still in extensive use across countless company desktops. The great buzz around Windows 8 has clearly shown that most people do not want to use 'apps' instead of their Office productivity tools. I think that netcentrics has missed the opportunity to extend the agreement with David Allen in time to build a companion app and profit from the synergy. There are other missed opportunities: they never did any localization for the international market.

I have used the add-on almost from the very beginning and will find it very difficult to replace it. I don't see anything comparable with tight Outlook Integration which I need for company reasons. So my complete GTD workflow will be in turmoil when I have to switch to the next version of Outlook.
I think I will miss the add in if I can't use it anymore. I'v used it for around 5 years. I've always found Netcentrics very prompt at replying to queries and for solving problems.

The latest versions of Outlook have "quick steps" whcih allow users to click on an email and then create a task attaching the email inside and also filing the email to a particular folder. This will lesson the blow but not completely.

I don't use projects with the addin but will still miss it.
After being a user for many years, I left NetCentrics when it became important to me to sync my task lists with my iPhone and iPad. I chose to use IQTELL, and I have NEVER been happier.
I am quite concerned about the likely disappearance of the GTD Add-in. I use it all the time and it makes my Outlook workflow much faster and much easier to integrate with GTD principles. Is there no other company which would take this on from Netcentrics? I would hope that the David Allen organisation would look for another service provider.
Netcentrics: I just wanted to let you know how helpful your software was. It was much appreciated and is missed when using the latest version of Outlook.
Do you still have the documentation and training videos for it? Are they online somewhere?
Thanks again.