Newbie- implementing Google apps for GTD! 3 quick questions :)


Hi all, I bought, read, and started implementing the google apps for GTD. I'm not completely decided on these three points, can you share your opiniones/experiences?

I am undecided as to whether...
1- Tasks is better than Keep for project list. The benefit of Tasks is I can directly link emails. The benefit of Keep is I can take pictures, have kind of like a vision board. But it may be visually more confusing. Also I can keep Project support material there. But the guide seems to recommend tasks.

2- If it’s better to use the labels “action” and “waiting for” directly in email or “action support” and “waiting for support” and have the actions and waiting fors in tasks (or keep if I use that”. Benefit of the first is that there’s only 1 step (label it). Benefit of the second is that I would have all my actions and waiting fors on the same list (task), but I’d have to take the extra step of adding it.

3- Do you prefer google drive or keep for reference list. Makes sense google drive because I already have everything in it. But it’s awkward with lists and checklists.

Do you use any of the google apps as an inbox on the go? For Ideas that pop into your head??

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I haven't read the full guide but am using Tasks, Keep and Google Drive.

1. Currently I've got my active projects in a Project list in Tasks. Non-active projects live under a Someday Maybe list also in Tasks. It, my Someday/Maybe list, gets a bit crazy and is full of actions and projects. I'm not entirely happy with the arrangement and have been playing around with keeping my Project list as a Google Doc but it's not really working for me so a Project List in Tasks it is.

2. I drag my emails to either an Email list or Waiting For list in Tasks. This also means I can open my email from Tasks without having to see my Gmail Inbox. That said, I've a dozen emails sitting in my Tasks list which I need to reply to, one which has been sitting there for a few weeks. Guess I need to schedule some responding to emails time.

3. I've lists of books I've read, books I want to read, movies I want to see, shopping lists, etc. in Keep as I find it's easier to access from my phone when I'm out and about. I tend to use Drive for Project Support materials which normally means I'm sitting at my laptop and not using my phone.

May I suggest you pick whatever method you think will work for you, try it for a few months and see how you go. You can always change if it's not working for you.

I haven't read the full guide but am using Tasks, Keep and Google Drive.

1. Currently I've got my active projects in a Project list in Tasks. Non-active projects live under a Someday Maybe list also in Tasks. It, my Someday/Maybe list, gets a bit crazy and is full of actions and projects. I'm not entirely happy with the arrangement and have been playing around with keeping my Project list as a Google Doc but it's not really working for me so a Project List in Tasks it is.

2. I drag my emails to either an Email list or Waiting For list in Tasks. This also means I can open my email from Tasks without having to see my Gmail Inbox. That said, I've a dozen emails sitting in my Tasks list which I need to reply to, one which has been sitting there for a few weeks. Guess I need to schedule some responding to emails time.

3. I've lists of books I've read, books I want to read, movies I want to see, shopping lists, etc. in Keep as I find it's easier to access from my phone when I'm out and about. I tend to use Drive for Project Support materials which normally means I'm sitting at my laptop and not using my phone.

May I suggest you pick whatever method you think will work for you, try it for a few months and see how you go. You can always change if it's not working for you.

Thank you!! I apreciate the suggestions :)
Since I don't use Google, I am solely judging from my experiences with other such "software suites" be it Microsoft, Apple, Palm, others…

1. I feel strongly in favour of Keep for the projects list. You will want to have some freedom when crafting a project and a simple task list thing doesn't provide that. Just being able to have a project's title in a good font, size and color can be awesome, IMHO. Keep will also be better later on, when you want to mesh the higher horizons into the mix. Thus you would have Keep for Levels 1 - 5 and then a clear cut to Tasks where all the Level 0 items live.

2. I suggest strongly to add the email tasks to the Next Action lists. In my personal experience, email labels and folders make up for a bad task list. It's better to have those tasks there when you decide what you are going to work on next.

3. If you have a good filing scheme in your Google Drive, then it makes sense to file all checklists there as well. They become just part of your stock of files and the GTD system drives when they get pulled, like with any other file as well.

4. On the last question, what I do most of the time is to create a voice recording with my cell phone. They get recorded on the phone and deleted when I do inbox processing. My phone acts as a capture tool and thus is an inbox. I wouldn't want to rely on a standing internet connection just for capture. It's to slow if I have to wait for my phone to capture signal.
Hi all, I bought, read, and started implementing the google apps for GTD. I'm not completely decided on these three points, can you share your opiniones/experiences?

I am undecided as to whether...
1- Tasks is better than Keep for project list. The benefit of Tasks is I can directly link emails. The benefit of Keep is I can take pictures, have kind of like a vision board. But it may be visually more confusing. Also I can keep Project support material there. But the guide seems to recommend tasks.

2- If it’s better to use the labels “action” and “waiting for” directly in email or “action support” and “waiting for support” and have the actions and waiting fors in tasks (or keep if I use that”. Benefit of the first is that there’s only 1 step (label it). Benefit of the second is that I would have all my actions and waiting fors on the same list (task), but I’d have to take the extra step of adding it.

3- Do you prefer google drive or keep for reference list. Makes sense google drive because I already have everything in it. But it’s awkward with lists and checklists.

Do you use any of the google apps as an inbox on the go? For Ideas that pop into your head??


1) For a gtd list app you generally want an app that is as simple and fast as possible that meets your needs. Unless you really understand gtd in a deep way, mixing next actions and project support can lead to trouble, David Allen’s “undoable mess of stuff.” Keep competes with Evernote, and while it is possible to use Evernote for gtd lists, it isn’t for everyone. I would start with Tasks.

2) I prefer to consolidate all next actions in one place. If you spend a significant part of your work within email, and have a large volume to handle, keeping email actions within email may work for you.

3) Checklists are not reference, but tools used for work. They are generally best kept close to your next actions, e.g. in the same app.