Outlook 2007 Disfunctional?


Is it just me or is it not possible to close an outlook item (task, email, etc.) from the keyboard with a shortkut key? Do I really have to use a mouse?

I've spent much of the morning looking for the keyboard shortcut and can't find it?

Anyone know the keyboard shortcut, or is my fear correct that Microsoft in their ultimate wisdom decided to reduce the productivity value of its own software?



Outlook 2007 Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

Edit: Try "Esc" -- I did read that the Outlook 2003 commands usually work. Just ignore the message that it is an Outlook 2003 shortcut and continue with the shortcut.


Keyboard Shortcuts for closing Outlook Items

Both ESC & ALT+F4 will close the item (without automatically saving it). Using ALT+S will close it AND save it.

F1 will also pull up the help menu which has a page full of all the other keyboard shortcuts. There's not much you CAN'T do in Outlook 2007 with keyboard shortcuts (although some shortcuts aren't all that short!).

Bob O'Malley