Outlook TaskPad View


I've used Outlook's tasks for a long time now, and know how to configure the views, set up group by and sorting, etc... even conditional formatting.

I just started using the taskpad on the calendar view, though. I thought it would be great to view my hardscape and next actions together, but I'm getting frustrated.

I have Outlook 2002. When I set up the view how I want it (for the taskpad), there is an option at the bottom of the "group by" box that let's you put in a default for expand/collapse/as last viewed.

Can anyone tell me how to make this work? No matter what I have for the setting, it doesn't work consistently. For example, I think I want it as "as last viewed" so that I can collapse the contexts that aren't currently available to me (ex. while at home, I can close the @Errands, @Work, etc). But then, if I switch to something else (ex. Contacts) and then back, everything is collapsed again.

Any ideas would be most appreciated...


Mark Jantzen

Here's my setup in Outlook 2002:

Customize Current View (right mouse click)
Group By ...

Group items by: Categories (Ascending)
Then by: (none)
Select available fields from: Frequently-used fields
Expand/collapse defaults: All collapsed

I tried each of the three expand/collapse defaults and they all work for me. You have the "Group items by" set to the Categories field, right?




I have my settings just like you listed.

All collapsed and all expanded work.... but "as last viewed" doesn't.

If I have some categories expanded and some collapsed, then leave the view... they are all collapsed again when I return.

Maybe some other setting overrides it?


Try having more than one outlook window open. When you want to look at your contacts, instead of just clicking on "Contacts" right-click on it and choose "Open in a new window." Then your calendar view never gets touched.


BrianK said:
Try having more than one outlook window open. When you want to look at your contacts, instead of just clicking on "Contacts" right-click on it and choose "Open in a new window." Then your calendar view never gets touched.

Very helpful! Thanks.