TesTeq;78650 said:
Paper gets lost or you are losing it? Bits get lost very often too!
Paper is unreadable? I think it is more readable in bright sun than LCD screen.
No backup? I can use my digital camera to backup any piece of paper.
Space considerations? Index cards or Moleskine are smaller and lighter than iPad.
Give us a break, guy. The message that you replied to was only expressing a preference ("for me personaly [sic])."
There are times when digital is less readable than paper, as you said. There are also many times when paper is less readable than digital, such as virtually anything that is handwritten.
When it comes to space, index cards and Moleskine MAY be smaller than iPad. It depends on how many index cards and which Moleskine notebooks you mean. As the user moves beyond basic list functionality, paper cannot compete with digital storage when it comes to size. It is very easy to carry dozens of bankers boxes' worth of paper files on something smaller than a pen, let alone a stack of index cards.
Computer data can get lost, you're right. However, the effort required to virtually eliminate the risk of data loss is exponentially less than that required to do so with paper.
There is also some irony in your arguing for reasons why paper is better than digital, and yet use a digital camera backup solution as part of your argument.
If you care to know, I am not a proponent of using either paper or digital to the exclusion of the other. There are advantages to both, depending on the circumstances. If I need/want very large amounts of information readily available, nothing can beat digital storage. On the other hand, most of the time paper beats digital for quick capture, as I can get out my UCT and pen and start writing within two seconds of having the thought.
Just a few thoughts.