Ariadne Marques
I've been thinking a lot lately about contexts and if I get value from them. I like having the ability to quickly shift between the Grond level view (next actions in contexts lists) and Projects (one of the reasons I like the Nirvana app). In my work, I'm usually responsible for 3-4 projects at a time, and they are all fast-paced 2-4 weeks long. They come and go quickly so I'm constantly adding new actions to my list based on phone calls, meeting updates, etc. Sometimes it's overwhelming and it's crucial for me to have a "container" for all the actions related to a project.So in our rapidly expanding and changing digital world, standard contexts are meaningless to me. Energy is a much better way (and the amount of time estimated for completion of an action) for separation and that is quite useful.
I thought about doing an experiment and letting go of the need to link next actions to projects, but the mere thought of it makes me shiver (and creates "pre-anxiety"...).
I feel like I benefit from fast processing (spending less energy thinking about contexts) and focusing more on indicating the sequence of actions. What should I tackle first? What should be my focus now? And what's next?
@Longstreet comment about energy and time estimated to complete a task clicked with me and I think I wasn't giving too much attention to this way of grouping next actions to help my decisions. I'm still thinking about it. I could live with only 3 contexts: @calls, @home and @errands, as long as I can see separate lists for Work and Personal (that's what I have in Nirvana for Areas and the global filter is perfect for that). All of my work is done at the computer or making phone calls, anyway.
I also took the Kairos cognition assessment and I'm predominantly a Sequential Thinker, so I think that explains my need to have actions in sequential order. Long lists with next actions from too many projects at once distract me, I work better if I see a curated list to work from.